Quality Assurance

Objectives: The primary objective of the MARTECH Quality Assurance and Quality Control Plan is to prevent discrepancies or errors from happening. The objectives also focus on emphasizing the identification and recording of design and programming discrepancies and errors as early as possible, in the development process, recognizing that the later in the process an error is detected, the more costly it would be to correct.



Quality Assurance: MARTECH sets functional and technical requirements, standards, techniques, and methodologies in the Quality Assurance Plan for making sure that the systems designed or developed perform per client requirements.  Quality factors such as (1) correctness, (2) efficiency, (3) expandability, (4) integrity, (5) interoperability, (6) maintainability, (7) manageability, (8) portability, (9) usability, (10) reliability, (11) reusability, (12) survivability, and/or (13) verifiability as appropriate will be considered in the Plan



Quality Control: MARTECH enforces Quality Control to evaluate the quality of the systems developed against applicable standards, resulting in actions taken to correct nonconformance. It is a planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product conforms to established functional and technical requirements.





The Plan:  MARTECH Quality Assurance and Control Plan covers design reviews, audits, testing, results evaluation, problem reporting, corrective actions, and documentation processes. These steps add value to the program and ensure satisfactory development and implementation. Subsequent to implementation of the Plan, MARTECH Lead Engineer responsible for all QA will perform, on a non-interfering basis, ISO 9001-compliant internal assessments. Discrepancies and findings uncovered during the assessment will trigger corrective actions and process improvements. The QA internal assessments will be conducted semi-annually to ensure ISO compliance.



Quality Management: Every MARTECH Project Team member is responsible for ensuring quality. The quality management system applies to all program elements directly affecting the performance objectives. These include, but not limited to, task management, technical reviews, reporting and deliverables, corrective and preventive actions, and training and certification. MARTECH conducts quality management as an integral, routine part of any project performance.



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